Direction, Stage Design: Michiyasu Furutani
Performance: Lucia Bricco, Michiyasu Furutani
Light: Studio ALTA
Production: Petr Dlouhý, Becka McFadden, Anežka Medová
Photo: Anežka Medová
26/May/2023 at Studio ALTA in Prague, Czech Republic
In the frame of a “Butoh in contemporary performance cycle” organized by Venuše ve Švehlovce in collaboration with Studio ALTA, the presentation is revived to think of gravity as one of the crucial elements of Butoh. Like the previous production, the stage work invites audiences to witness consecutive experiments on how gravity intuitively affects and binds us through interactions with various objects. Still, presentation#2 successfully explores the greater range of gravitational effects that occur within the relationships between the complexity layer of our diversity and spontaneity, supported by performance artist Lucia Bricco from Roma, Italy. Two human beings show the unconditional entanglement of movable bodies and ways of taking and giving the responsibility of how it accelerates connections being more actively interconnected between two bodies and also with inanimate objects, chairs, platforms, water, clay, and ropes, aiming to reveal the inseparable relationship between biosphere and human being.