H~ O.Palou + M.Guilliem+ M.Furutani H~ is a duo conformed by Oscar Palou (manglart.es) y Martí Guillem (marti-net.blogspot.de), both spanish currently living in Berlin. This project turns around live improvisation with electroacoustic elements and laptop. Crossing through the fields of Noise to Field Recordings, from Ambient to glitch, Rhythm electronics, IDM and drone music. Oscar Palou : : Laptop, field recordings, founded sounds, samplers, flutes. Martí Guillem : : Circuit bending, electronics, percussion, objects, sinths, drum machines. https://soundcloud.com/htilde 15/03/15 UmamiLive @ New West Berlin 共有:クリックして Twitter で共有 (新しいウィンドウで開きます)Facebook で共有するにはクリックしてください (新しいウィンドウで開きます) 15/03/201519/02/2020 Categories: Dance · Improvisation · Improvisation · Music