Choreography: Michiyasu Furutani
Performance: Karolína Voleská
Lighting: Cross Attic
11/Jun/2020 International Performance Festival ‘Performance Crossings’ at Cross Attic, Prague
“Touching without touch” was conceived amid the restriction on contact with people in public spaces caused by COVID-19.
The presentation is mediated by a presenter following an audio score that prompts and reminds physical and mental movements within a space surrounded by spectators to look for connections with people in remote spaces. The score comprises a machine-generated voice that invites the spectators to simultaneously listen to the sound instruction with the presenter. How does the score establish a connection between the presenter and the spectators, also with the absent people? How do the presenter and spectators expand the limitation of their tangible area? When we are unable to interact with others physically, how do we make ourselves aware of, recall, and cooperate with that others?